

an audio reactive digital piece


About the concept and my process

While I have experimented quite a bit with digital art generation formed from visual changes, this was my first dive into creating audio reactive media. I had quite a bit of fun designing this one and determining what properties would cause the visuals to change. I decided to build this metallic looking fluid that would contract and pulse in reaction to beats from higher frequencies. In order to do this, I needed to separate the frequencies of the audio coming in and find a sweet spot for the threshold of what would make the most visually intriguing output. Making the visuals look like a metallic fluid flowing across the page required a lot of trial and error, some feedback loops, and some meta displacement, but ultimately I got this pretty cool result! The full video with audio is below:

One idea I had for an application of this is to generate really interesting and original album covers from a musician's music.

Music credits: Mattias Fridell & Alexander Johansson